Meningeal Cranial Dura Mater
Pars meningea durae matris cranialis
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The cranial dura matter has a deep meningeal layer adjacent to the arachnoid and a superficial periosteal layer adjacent to the cranium. The periosteal dura is firmly adhered to the meningeal dura in most places, except when they come apart at the dural venous sinuses.
Related parts of the anatomy
The meningeal cranial dura mater is the deep layer of cranial dura mater. It lies superficial to the arachnoid, to which it has a close anatomical relationship. It is firmly adhered to the periosteal layer of dura mater in most places within the cranium, except surrounding the dural venous sinuses, where they diverge to enclose the vessel.
The meningeal dura mater is penetrated by arachnoid granulations and cerebral vessels, both of reach into the venous sinuses allowing for the movement of CSF and blood respectively.
Key Features/Anatomical Relations
The meningeal cranial dura mater is closely applied to the arachnoid. Additionally, it surrounds and fuses with the epineurium of each cranial nerve as they exit their designated cranial foramen. The meningeal cranial dura also fuses with the outer adventitia of major vessels, e.g., the internal carotid artery, when it enters the cranial cavity.
Even though the meningeal cranial dura mater is not in close contact with the brain, it reflects inward at certain points known as dural folds. The first is the falx cerebri in which the meningeal dura runs within the longitudinal fissure separating the two cerebral hemispheres. The second is the tentorium cerebelli, a dural fold that separates the cerebellum below from the cerebrum above. A third fold, the falx cerebelli, runs perpendicular to the tentorium cerebelli and separates the two cerebellar hemispheres. Lastly, the diaphragma sellae surrounds the pituitary stalk.
List of Clinical Correlates
—Subdural hematoma