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Acetabulum (Ischial Part)
Skeletal System

Acetabulum (Ischial Part)


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The acetabulum is the cup-shaped cavity on the outer aspect of the coxal bone. It is formed by the fusion of the ilium, ischium and pubis, where:

—its anterior one fifth is formed by the superior ramus of pubis;

—its posterosuperior two fifths is formed by the body of ilium;

—its posteroinferior two fifths is formed by the body of ischium.

It is circumscribed by a prominent edge, the acetabular margin, which is absent inferiorly, leaving a gap that is known as the acetabular notch. Within the acetabulum lies its articular and non-articular portions:

—The articular portion is formed by the peripherally located lunate articular surface, which articulates with the head of femur, forming the hip joint.

—The non-articular portion is formed by the centrally located acetabular fossa, which forms the floor of the acetabulum.

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