The carpal bones are one of the three groups of bones of the hand, the other two being the metacarpal bones and the phalanges. They're located between the forearm and the metacarpal bones and collectively from the carpus, which is the skeletal framework of the wrist. The eight carpal bones are arranged into proximal and distal rows.
The proximal row consists of, from lateral to medial, the scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, and pisiform bones. These bones articulate with each other at the intercarpal joints. The scaphoid and lunate bones articulate proximally with the radius, forming the radiocarpal (wrist) joint. With the exception of the pisiform bone, the bones of the proximal row articulate distally with the distal row of carpal bones, forming the midcarpal joint.
The distal row consists of, from lateral to medial, the trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate bones. These bones articulate with each other at the intercarpal joints, and they articulate distally with the metacarpals, forming the carpometacarpal joints.
Overall, the carpal bones are classified as short bones, except for the pisiform, which is classified as a sesamoid bone. Each carpal bone is morphologically unique and named according to its perceived shape. The dorsal aspects of the carpal bones collectively form a slightly convex surface, while their palmar aspects collectively form a concave carpal groove.
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