The spine of scapula is the triangular, shelf-like plate that projects from the superior area of the dorsal surface of the scapula. The apex of this triangle is located along the medial border of the scapula and extends laterally towards its base, which itself is continuous laterally with the acromion. It consists of two borders:
—a posterior border, which is formed by the posterior-most edge of the spine and is also known as its crest;
—a lateral border, which lies adjacent to the neck of the scapula, both of which contribute to the formation of the inferior scapular notch.
The spine of scapula divides the dorsal surface into two parts:
—the superiorly located supraspinous fossa;
—the inferiorly located infraspinous fossa.
It provides attachment an origin site for the deltoid muscle and an insertion site for the trapezius muscle.
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