The nasal part (nasal process) is the small, inferomedially located portion of the frontal bone. It is continuous:
—laterally, with the orbital parts;
—superiorly, with the squamous part.
The nasal part consists of the nasal spine and nasal notch of frontal bone and contributes to the formation of both the root of the nose, the bony nasal septum and the roofs of the nasal cavities. It articulates:
—inferomedially, with the superior borders of both the right and left nasal bones, forming the frontonasal suture;
—inferolaterally, with the frontal processes of both the right and left maxillae, forming the frontomaxillary sutures;
—posteroinferiorly, with the superior aspect of the ethmoid bone, contributing to the formation of the frontoethmoidal suture.