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Tympanic Part of Temporal Bone
Skeletal System

Tympanic Part of Temporal Bone

Pars tympanica ossis temporalis

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The tympanic part (tympanic plate) is the inferiorly located, curved plate of the temporal bone. It is continuous:

—medially, with the petrous part;

—superiorly, with the squamous part;

—posteriorly, with the mastoid part.

The tympanic part consists of the sheath of the styloid process and forms the:

—posterior, nonarticular portion of the mandibular fossa;

—anterior, inferior and posteroinferior walls of the external acoustic meatus.

The tympanic part provides attachment sites for the tympanic membrane and the cartilaginous part of the external acoustic meatus. It also accommodates a portion of the parotid gland.

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