Fat Body of Renal Sinus (Anterior Part; Left)
Corus adiposum sinus renalis
Read moreStructure and/or Key Feature(s)
The hilum of the kidney is filled by the renal sinus, renal artery, and renal vein. The remainder of the space is filled with adipose tissue often referred to as the fat body of the renal sinus. The amount of fat in this region normally increases with age (Rha et al., 2004).
Related parts of the anatomy
List of Clinical Correlates
—Renal sinus lipomatosis
Rha, S. E., Byun, J. Y., Jung, S. E., Oh, S. N., Choi, Y.-J., Lee, A. and Lee, J. M. (2004) 'The Renal Sinus: Pathologic Spectrum and Multimodality Imaging Approach', RadioGraphics, 24(suppl_1), pp. S117-S131.
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Renal Sinus

The renal sinus is the most hyperechoic structure within the kidney, owing to the presence of fat, which surrounds the renal pelvis and vascular branches that enter the renal parenchyma.