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March 1, 2024
Elsevier Health has launched an generative AI-driven version of its flagship clinical decision support tool, ClinicalKey, in partnership with AI company OpenEvidence.
The latest add-on module offers core and new content in an advanced conversational search interface to help doctors more quickly find the information they need. ClinicalKey is used by thousands of health systems and medical schools globally.
While the original tool will remain available, ClinicalKey AI is now available for purchase as an add-on. More than 30,000 doctors across the U.S. have tested the underlying AI technology to date.
ClinicalKey AI pulls from validated sources beyond Elsevier's own point of care content available through ClinicalKey, including journal abstracts, medical reference texts and government publications. The tool generates a summarized response cited with references. It also considers patient context, such as comorbidities and current medications, when prompted. It provides personalized responses based on the clinician’s profile or specialty, and offers the ability to access previous queries and responses. The tool is HIPAA-compliant.