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Response strategies for Next-Generation NCLEX® item types

November 15, 2022

By Kim Brunnert, PhD, CESP, Francisco A. Jimenez, PhD

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) has spent over a decade researching new ways to measure nursing clinical judgment. This has led to the addition of unfolding case studies, new item types, and new partial-credit scoring on the Next-Generation NCLEX (NGN) exam. These item types and scoring methods are new to students. To avoid having immeasurable error from the novel item types and scoring, and to increase accuracy and confidence in scores, it is important to give students basic coaching and test-taking tips. 

This report presents the three NGN item scoring types. Within each scoring type, there are multiple item types with tips for how students may want to approach answering these items. As an educator, it may be beneficial to coach your students on these strategies. Of note are the tips for Plus/Minus items, which are more nuanced due to the nature of the scoring algorithm. 

Response Strategies for NGN Item Types

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About Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing

Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing includes NGN item types and scoring at fidelity to provide authentic NCLEX preparation and experience. Strengthen students' knowledge and confidence with high-quality practice questions, pre-class quizzes, insightful performance metrics, and a personalized and adaptive learning experience.



Kim Brunnert, PhD, CESP

Director of Psychometrics for HESI Review and Testing


Francisco A. Jimenez 


Francisco A. Jimenez, PhD

