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Step forward: ClinicalKey - Beatrice  Daoud, Hôpital Privé d'Antony (France)

Beatrice Daoud, Hôpital Privé d'Antony, France

August 9, 2022

I am one of the associate radiologists of the imaging facility, of the Antony private hospital's imaging center. I have been working for several years and I've been a partner for five years now, and we're a big group of 16 associates.

Before having ClinicalKey

Before having ClinicalKey, when I wanted to do an accurate search, to rely on scientific articles, I used mostly PubMed; with PubMed, either I had a subscription to the magazine I was interested in, or the institution had a subscription to the magazine, so I could get access to the article that might interest me; or, I didn't have any of those subscriptions, which made me frustrated because I was limited by the abstract and when I was truly interested in the abstract, I happened to go  to the library of the university of medicine to pick up the article that interested me; When I'm doing research and I want to do a little checkup, I search much roughly simply by using the Google search engine, but it's true it's an eye much coarser;

Today with ClinicalKey

Lately, I use it much more regularly and I'll be more than happy to find out what is being actually done in the scientific community because there's the app which is really easy to use. And so, when it's easy, we use it: I downloaded the ClinicalKey app on my phone...and since there's wi-fi now everywhere, I'm going to ClinicalKey because I have the tool in my pocket.

I've got the journals, the clinical synthesis, the recommendations, the books, the EMC...Here is the clinical synthesis: I looked at the abdominal aorta, the aneurysm. So these are the experts and I have the key points. Hop! I'm doing a little reminder. I can get access to the saved contents, things that I use regularly and I save the content.

Either one wants to discover pathology and there, you learn things; either you specialize in pathology...and we want to get the updates, the new releases. It creates a sort of continual training.

The 3 main advantages of ClinicalKey

Whether it’s on my phone or in my pocket, ClinicalKey is accessible right away. The fact that we used to have theory classes and then we had the internships where we did the practice; how we can combine the two pieces of training.

I’m on a shift, I see a Pathology topic and I want to know more; I take out my phone or log in on my computer, so therefore I have theory and practice at the same time, and all my questions are answered there and then and that is because ClinicalKey is “ludic” the tool is really pedagogical, presented well and is easy and mostly accessible.

If you had to recommend ClinicalKey to one of your colleagues

I’d tell everyone that you can have the entire scientific community in your pocket! The fact that it’s on the phone, I have a platform that is easy to access scientific journals and also books and clinical overviews, so it makes it possible not to see pathology with a specialist eye but allows you to take a step back ad get a more comprehensive look at pathology.

Through clinical overviews, I have access to clinic and care information that can be taken ad what conduct to follow. In a way, it informs my diagnosis and my debriefing. The conclusion is; when it’s easy, we do it; when it’s complicated, we do not. And ClinicalKey is easy.