Update your Author Profile in five fast steps
Follow these tips to quickly and easily make requests to update an Author Profile in Scopus.

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Scopus Author Profiles help tell a more accurate and complete story about the output and influence of researchers and institutions compared to other solutions.
Publication data inform funding and promotion applications. It is also used by those assessing the output of researchers and institutions. So, it is critical that each author's profile data is up-to-date and accurate. Scopus Author Profiles help tell a more accurate and complete story about the output and influence of researchers and institutions compared to other solutions.
Scopus data follows the simple model that articles are written by researchers who are affiliated with institutions. Powerful algorithmic data processing matches articles to existing author profiles with a high degree of accuracy based on name, email, affiliation, subject area, citations and co-authors. A profile is created automatically when two or more articles are linked to one name.
Scopus gets daily updates to its content from thousands of publishers, which it uses to generate new author profiles and update existing ones.
With the Scopus Researcher Discovery feature, subscribed users can perform a keyword search to identify relevant researchers and quickly build a view of the individuals contributing to a particular field.
Subscribed users can access Researcher Discovery from the Scopus main menu
Read our blog post about Scopus Researcher Discovery opens in new tab/window
Despite the sophisticated algorithmic profiling used by Scopus, algorithms in general can rarely match all documents to a single profile with 100% accuracy. This is why our free Scopus Author Feedback Wizard opens in new tab/window allows researchers to review their Scopus profiles and submit feedback, including the ability to:
Set a preferred name
Merge profiles
Add and remove documents
Update affiliation
Author metrics may be used for tenure and promotion applications, grant proposals and other research performance-based decisions; therefore, it is important to ensure each researcher's profile correctly reflects their publishing information.
"Scopus really plays a vital role in helping our researchers, particularly early investigators and people who are getting ready to become early-career postgraduates, better understand the scholarly communications landscape."
Emily Glenn
Associate Dean, University of Nebraska Medical Center Library, USA
Follow these tips to quickly and easily make requests to update an Author Profile in Scopus.
Get step-by-step guidance on looking up an author's profile and then using the Author Feedback Wizard to request updates in Scopus.
Watch this short video tutorial to learn more about Scopus Author Profiles, how they are populated and how to take advantage of this feature for enhancing the visibility of researchers and their work.
Need to make changes to an author's profile in Scopus? Watch this short video tutorial to learn how to request updates.