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Stuart Whayman is President of Corporate Markets at Elsevier


Stuart Whayman

President, Corporate Markets

Stuart joined Elsevier in 2014, initially as Chief Financial Officer and later serving as Chief Commercial Officer. Most recently he was Managing Director, Researchers and Librarians, leading a cross-functional team supporting academic research institutions. He played a key role in developing new innovative solutions for researchers, combining generative AI, trusted content, and data sets. He previously held senior roles in finance at RELX, Elsevier’s parent company, and at RBI, now part of the LexisNexis Risk division, having joined the group in 1998. Prior to RELX, Stuart was at KPMG. Stuart holds an MA in Mathematics from the University of Oxford. Stuart also serves as the Executive Sponsor of our Climate Action Program and as Co-Chair of Elsevier’s Climate Advisory Board, which advises on key actions and initiatives that together will deliver a net zero future, and advocates for science-based decisions and action to address the urgent climate emergency.

In his role, Stuart leads Elsevier’s teams focused on helping R&D-led organisations with advanced information and decision support solutions for innovation. He is based in London.