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Acta Materialia Book Series

Aim & scope

The Acta Materialia Book Series aims at providing a comprehensive, practical coverage of both core and advanced research topics in materials science. In addition to monographs on materials science fundamentals and new subfields in materials science, the book series features volumes on key practical aspects of research such as methods and protocols, supporting interdisciplinary research, and enabling the transition of new research into the applications realm.

Authored by leading experts, each volume in the series focuses on a particular sub-field within materials science and engineering, frequently exemplified with specific case-studies, from structural materials to advances in use-inspired device oriented functional materials and bio-inspired materials research.

For further information about the Acta Materialia Book Series, or to express an interest in writing, please contact: [email protected]  在新的选项卡/窗口中打开or go to our website.

Acta Materialia


Researchers in academia and industry interested in advanced research topics in materials science.


Jeff DeHosson, Professor of Applied Physics, University of Groningen, Netherlands, and Editor of the Acta Materialia Inc. family of journals.

He is joined by Editors:

Lei Lu,  Professor, Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, China, and Editor of the Acta Materialia Inc. family of journals.

Nitin Padture, Otis E. Randall University Professor, School of Engineering, Brown University, USA, and Editor of the Acta Materialia Inc. family of journals.

William G. Fahrenholtz, Curators’ Distinguished Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA.

Volumes in the Series
