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Series Editor


Colin F. Poole

Prof. Colin F. Poole was born and educated in the United Kingdom receiving a B.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of Leeds (1971) followed by graduate studies at the University of Bristol, MSc. in analytical chemistry (1972), and Ph.D. with Prof. E. D. Morgan at the University of Keele (1975) on the analysis of insect moulting hormones. Since 1980 he has been at the Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA , until his retirement in 2020 except for 1995-1996, spent as the Governors’ Lecturer and Professor of Analytical Chemistry at Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, London, in the United Kingdom. He is a former Science Advisor to the US Food and Drug Administration, a position he occupied for 25 years. Professor Poole has broad interests in the separation and detection of small molecules in biological, environmental, and food samples using a range of sample preparation, chromatographic and data analysis tools. He is the co-author of over 450 papers, 20 books, and a former long-term editor of Journal of Chromatography A and a member of the editorial boards of 5 other analytical chemistry journals.