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Series Editor

Image of Michael Levin


Michael Levin, Ph.D.

Pharmaceutical Technology Expert

Measurement Control Corporation

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Michael Levin has over 30 years of experience in the field of pharmaceutical scale-up, instrumentation and process optimization. He has edited a “Pharmaceutical Process Scale-Up” book, and has contributed chapters on “Tablet Press Instrumentation” and “Wet Granulation: End-Point Determination and Scale-Up” in the Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology.

Michael Levin has over 30 years of experience in the field of pharmaceutical scale-up, instrumentation and process optimization. He has edited a “Pharmaceutical Process Scale-Up” book, and has contributed chapters on “Tablet Press Instrumentation” and “Wet Granulation: End-Point Determination and Scale-Up” in the Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology. Michael holds a M.Sc. degree in History and Philosophy of Science from Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Ph.D. in BioMathematics (1980) from University of Washington in Seattle. His Post Doctorate studies were at University of Houston, Department of Mechanical Engineering. He participated in numerous wet and dry granulation and tableting projects in major pharmaceutical companies as a provider of process analytical instrumentation, conducted many seminars, performed numerous consulting services and wrote expert reports to clients in the pharmaceutical industry.


1982 Postdoctoral studies, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA.

1980 PhD, Biomathematics, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.

1975 MA, History and Philosophy of Science, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel