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Series Editor

Image of Mike Elliott


Michael Elliott

Emeritus Professor and Director

Estuarine and Coastal Sciences at the University of Hull, UK and International Estuarine & Coastal Specialists Ltd, Leven, UK

电子邮件 Michael Elliott

Mike Elliott is a Professor of Estuarine and Coastal Sciences at the University of Hull, UK and the Director of International Estuarine & Coastal Specialists Ltd. Mike is a marine biologist with a wide experience and interests and his teaching, research, advisory and consultancy includes estuarine and marine ecology, policy, governance, and management. Mike has published widely, co-authoring/co-editing 19 books/proceedings and >300 scientific publications.

He has advised on many environmental matters for academia, industry, government, and statutory bodies worldwide and is a member of many national and international committees linking marine science to policy. Mike is a past-President of the international Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA) and is a Co-Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Estuarine, Coastal & Shelf Science; he has Adjunct Professor and Research positions at Murdoch University (Perth), Klaipeda University (Lithuania), the University of Palermo (Italy), and the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Grahamstown. He was awarded Laureate of the Honorary Winberg Medal 2014 of the Russian Hydrobiological Academic Society.