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Series Editor

Image of Paul M Pilowsky


Paul M. Pilowsky

Emeritus Professor

University of Sydney

Em. Professor Paul M Pilowsky trained in Medicine, Physiology and Neuroscience. After completing his medical training and PhD, he was awarded the CJ Martin Research Fellowship of the NHMRC, the first of an unbroken string of career NHMRC Fellowships that he held until his retirement 1 Jan 2019.

He held tenured Professor positions at the University of Sydney and Macquarie University. He was recruited to Macquarie University to establish the research and graduate medical school, serving on multiple major University and Faculty committees while at the same time maintaining a significant research group and an extensive publication output. He is the author of over 200 original articles books and book chapters and has supervised more than 20 graduate students, many of whom now hold significant academic and other positions throughout Australia and internationally. He is known internationally for his work on central control of Airways Breathing and Circulation. In 2009 he was awarded the Australasian Neuroscience Society Medal for his contributions to that Society, and in 2020 was awarded Life membership. He has won multiple awards for both research and teaching. In 2020 he became a Professor Emeritus at the University of Sydney.