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Series Editor


Rosa L. Matzkin

Professor of Economics

University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA

Charles E. Davidson Professor of Economics at the University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA). She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Econometric Society, the International Association for Applied Econometrics, and the Society for Economic Measurement.

She served as Editor of Quantitative Economics, Co-editor of the Research Monograph Series of the Econometric Society, Associate Editor of Econometrica and of Journal of Econometrics, and member of the Executive Committees of the American Economic Association and of the Econometric Society. Currently, she is a member of the Editorial Committee of the Annual Review of Economics.

Her research has been aimed at creating a tight connection between econometrics and economic theory, relaxing, at the same time, ad-hoc parametric restrictions on functions and distributions. She has worked on Revealed Preference, Discrete Choice, Shape Restrictions, Hedonic Models, Consumer Demand, and Models of Simultaneous Equations. She has developed nonparametric methods for identification, estimation, testing, and prediction where shape restrictions and/or nonadditive unobservable variables play key roles.

Before joining UCLA, Rosa L. Matzkin held faculty positions at Northwestern University and Yale University and visiting positions at Caltech, University of Chicago, M.I.T., and University of Wisconsin. She was born in Argentina, graduated Cum Laude from Technion, Israel Institute of Technology with a BSc in Management in Economics, and earned a PhD in Economics from the University of Minnesota.