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Series Editor

Image of Yves Gagnon


Yves Gagnon, P.Eng., D.Sc.


Université de Moncton

电子邮件 Yves Gagnon, P.Eng., D.Sc.

Dr. Yves Gagnon is professor of engineering at the Université de Moncton in Canada, along with being Adjunct Professor at Thaksin University in Thailand.  Prior to that, Dr. Gagnon held the position of Visiting Executive at the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, he was founding President and CEO of the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation and he held the positions of Associate Vice-President of Research, Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, and K.C. Irving Chair in Sustainable Development at the Université de Moncton.

After his undergraduate studies as a mechanical engineer in Canada, Dr. Gagnon obtained graduate degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, and from the Université de Toulouse, in France, while Thaksin University has awarded him an Honorary Doctorate degree in Physics. His research and innovation work in renewable energy, done in national and international collaborations, has appeared in over 350 publications and reports; and his contributions have been recognized by several prizes. Regularly solicited as an external expert, he has been actively involved in committees, organizations and Board of Directors devoted to technological advancement, the development of knowledge and public policies, and economic and community development. Besides his responsibilities in the Wind Energy Engineering Series, Dr. Gagnon is Series Editor of the Woodhead Series in Bioenergy at Elsevier; he also serves as Associate Editor for the ASME Open Journal in Engineering where, until recently, he was Associate Editor of the Journal of Solar Energy Engineering.