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Dirk Van Raemdonck


Dirk Van Raemdonck

Prof dr Dirk Van Raemdonck is consultant thoracic surgeon in the department of thoracic surgery at the University Hospitals Leuven and emeritus professor in the department of chronic diseases and metabolism at the KU Leuven University, Leuven, Belgium. He is the former surgical director of the Leuven Lung Transplant Group until his retirement on 1st October 2024. He was responsible for an annual volume of about 60-70 lung transplants over the last 5 years and a total of nearly 1,500 lung transplants since 1991. He served as the head of the Leuven Transplant Center until September 2024. He is ESTS past-president and current president of the UEMS Section of Thoracic Surgery. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal for Heart and Lung Transplantation Open