Digital health transformation: the vital role of nursing in achieving a safer patient world
2022年10月19日 | 1 分钟阅读
Robert Nieves, JD, MBA, MPA, BSN, RN

Healthcare has pivoted significantly to digital offerings in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Big data … digital health … an increasingly empowered patient population … these are just some of the significant ways in which the healthcare landscape has needed to pivot sharply in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nursing plays a key role in patient care – yet are nurses adequately trained to incorporate new health technologies into their daily processes? Should they take on a leadership role in digital transformation – if so, what characteristics might they need? And how can such leadership help achieve a safer patient world?
These are some of the burning questions addressed by Robert Nieves, VP of Health Informatics for Clinical Solutions at Elsevier, who also reveals the findings uncovered by Elsevier Health’s recent Clinician of the Future report and the steps and innovations needed to help improve clinical outcomes.

Robert Nieves, JD, MBA, MPA, BSN, RN
Vice President of Health Informatics
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