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Maximizing workforce retention and satisfaction through evidence-based practice: A unified approach


Rahul Goyal, M.D.

A Black male scientist, wearing a white coat and blue dress shirt, records findings on a digital tablet.

Healthcare organisations globally face significant challenges, such as staff retention and workforce shortages, yet ensuring high-quality patient care has never been more crucial.

EBP in healthcare minimizes errors, enhances safety, boosts care efficiency, and cuts costs. Access to evidence-based guidelines also enables clinicians to benchmark their practices and reduce uncertainties.

Naturally, there are challenges: there may be a divergence of EBP depending on patient circumstances, and EBP can mean different things in different geographical regions. Nevertheless, policymakers must take responsibility in critically evaluating the quality and safety of their patient care.

In this whitepaper, Rahul Goyal, Clinical Executive, Elsevier, EMEALAAP, highlights the importance of integrating EBP in clinical care and the subsequent impact, its role in workforce retention, the opportunities – and implementation challenges, and how Elsevier Health supports the delivery of high-quality evidence-based care throughout a patient’s healthcare journey.

Goyal cites real-world examples showing the positive impact of Elsevier’s Clinical Solutions in delivering EBP effectively for Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Emirates Health Service (EHS), and also considers the ‘unreal world’: the topic that’s on everyone’s minds – using generative AI in healthcare.


black and white headshot of Dr. Rahul Goyal


Rahul Goyal, M.D.

Clinical Executive

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