Editors' Update - supporting editors, every step of the way.

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2024年11月4日 | 4 分钟阅读
Young Jik Kwon
© istockphoto.com/andriano_cz
In this series for Editors' Update we talk to recently appointed editors to learn about their experiences of editing thus far. We aim to find out how they came into the role, what (if anything) has surprised them about the work, what tools they find useful, and what advice they would give to a colleague contemplating a similar position.
Our interviewee in this article is Young Jik Kwon 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开 who took up his position as Editor-in-Chief of Methods 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开 in 2023.
How did you come to your editorship? It was a totally unexpected offer from the Publisher from Elsevier. I had apparently been nominated by the former Editor-in-Chief of Methods with whom I had no personal acquaintance other than serving as guest editor on a thematic issue. I always thought that Methods was one of the hidden gems in science publications. The offer itself was truly an honour and I excitedly accepted it.
How would you describe a typical working day [in terms of your editorial work]? My day starts with checking how many new manuscripts have been submitted. I read them for initial evaluation before assigning them to editors with matching research expertise. I also look at the manuscripts that are submitted, under review, and accepted to thematic issues. I often communicate on administrative topics with the Publisher, Dan Cheng, and the Content Development Manager, Carly Middendorp, and search for potential Editorial Board members by reading recent publications and visiting their research websites. I cannot help but keep thinking of what would be good for the journal, sometimes hitting on an interesting idea to further explore and implement.
What’s been the proudest achievement of your editorship so far? Methods is a key journal serving interdisciplinary research areas and I always thought that it was under-represented, partly because it almost exclusively published manuscripts invited to thematic issues. My first priority as the Editor-in-Chief has been to make the journal serve the scientific community in a more inclusive manner, starting with revising the aims and scope of the journal to accept papers with broader research topics, publishing unsolicited manuscripts as “Editor’s Collection” pieces, and recruiting new Editorial Board members by inviting applications. I believe that Methods is now familiar to more researchers than before, indicated by an increasing number of manuscripts being submitted.
How do you measure success as an editor? The success of Methods can be measured by the large number of published papers with high citations, the diversity in scientific topics and contributing authors, and the increasing interest in working with the journal among researchers. This all points to the success of the journal and reflects not merely my own efforts as editor but those of the entire Methods team.
Is there anything you wish someone had told you on day one? I have been very well directed by the former Editor-in-Chief whose guidance has been instrumental in carrying out my roles. There have been no big hiccups so far, fortunately. One thing I would say to someone taking over a similar position is that what is seen “from the outside” is a quite small fraction of the job in terms of effort, time, and dedication.
What’s has surprised you most as an editor? I have been amazed how dependent my role is on the Publisher, the Content Development Manager, the Editorial Board members, guest editors, and of course the peer-reviewers whom I applaud for their dedication and professional executions. In addition, the interplay between the editors and the publisher is way more complex and covers more factors included than I expected. Yes, I admit that I learn something every day and it’s challenging and exciting at the same time.
What is the most important attribute for being an editor in your opinion? An editor has a unique opportunity to contribute to their scientific field by working with different groups of people in reviewing, evaluating, accepting, and promoting creative work, which is often the product of the researcher’s intellectual motivation and hard work, as well as societal support such as research grants. I cannot emphasize enough how critical and influential an editor’s contribution is to the advancement of science and technology, and, ultimately, to society as a whole.
Name one item/tool/resource that you cannot do without in your role? I would have remained a researcher immersed in my own research area if I did not have this prestigious opportunity to work for Methods. The interdisciplinary topics that the journal covers also drive me to continue broadening my own personal horizons. The biggest advantage of my role as Editor-in-Chief of the journal is the privilege of working with great people: the former Editor-in-Chief, the Publisher, the Content Development Manager, the Editorial Board members, guest editors, and peer reviewers whom I would have never had a chance to get to know and learn from otherwise.