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Andre Brunoni


Andre R. Brunoni

University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Andre Brunoni is an Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry of the University of São Paulo Medical School, visiting professor of the University of Munich, and Chief of the Interventional Psychiatry group of the Institute of Psychiatry of the Clinics Hospital of the University of São Paulo. He is Deputy Editor of Psychiatry of the Brain Stimulation journal, and Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. Dr. Brunoni has published more than 400 articles in peer-reviewed journals, some of them in leading journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, and JAMA Psychiatry, presenting 31,000 citations and an H-index of 78 according to Google Scholar. His work has been funded by competitive Brazilian grant agencies and international institutions such as NIMH, Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, Milken Institute, Stanley foundation, FWO and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.