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Catherine Pérez


Catherine Pérez

Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona, Spain

Catherine Pérez, PhD in Public Health is Head of the Health Information Systems Department atAgència de Salut Pública de Barcelona. She leads the research group Urban Health Inequalities of the IIB Sant Pau and is member of the group of Social Inequalities of CIBERESP. The main lines of research in which she works include the development of indicators and the study of social inequalities in health, evaluation of the health impact of mobility and road safety policies, the study of injuries and their severity. She has participated in several European projects funded by the European Commission related with the study and actions to tackle health inequalities as for example the SOPHIE project, the Participatory Urban Living for Sustainable Environments leading a work package (PULSE) or the Join Action for Health Equity in Europe. She led the recent evaluation of the health impact and their inequalities of environmental measures to be implemented in Barcelona, such as superblocks.