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Dong Liu


Dong Liu

University of Oxford, UK

Prof. Dong (Lilly) Liu joined the University of Oxford in January 2024, as Associate Professor in Engineering Science and Tutorial Fellow in Trinity College. Prior to this, she was an Associate Professor at the University of Bristol where she was Lead of the Materials and Device Theme in the School of Physics, and Head of the Experimental Mechanics of Advanced Materials group (EMAM). She joined the University of Bristol as Lecturer in July 2018 from Oxford University (2015-2018) where she held an 1851 Exhibition Royal Commission Fellowship (Brunel) and an EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. She was also awarded a Junior Research Fellowship (2016-2018) in Mansfield College whilst at the University of Oxford. Prof. Liu serves on several international technical committees, including the ASTM C28.07 Committee (Ceramic Matrix Composites), Composite Materials Handbook Standards (CMH-17) Ceramic Matrix Testing Working Group and the IOM3 Ceramic Science Committee. She is also a member of the Leadership Team at IOM3 Ceramics Group. Prof. Liu’s research group has a rich experience in a range of experimental techniques such as in-situ high-temperature X-ray/neutron tomography/diffraction with mechanical loading, FIB-SEM tomography, FIB-SEM digital image correlation, in-situ / ex-situ micromechanical testing, Raman spectroscopy and time/frequency-domain thermoreflectance. The ultimate goal is to understand the fundamental mechanisms controlling materials thermal/mechanical behaviours and irradiation degradation processes in conditions relevant to service.

https://eng.ox.ac.uk/people/dong-lilly-liu/ 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开

https://www.trinity.ox.ac.uk/people/dong-lilly-liu 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开