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Isabella Anguelovski


Isabella Anguelovski

Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Isabelle Anguelovski is the director of BCNUEJ, an ICREA Research Professor, and a PI and Head of the Gender, Diversity, and Wellbeing Committee at ICTA-UAB. She obtained a PhD in Urban Studies and Planning from MIT before returning to Europe in 2011 with a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship. Her research examines the extent to which urban plans and policy decisions contribute to more just, resilient, healthy, and sustainable cities, and how community groups in distressed neighborhoods contest the existence, creation, or exacerbation of environmental inequities as a result of urban (re)development processes and policies. Between 2016 and 2022, she was the PI of GreenLULUs, an ERC-funded project which examined green inequalities in 40 cities in Europe, the US, and Canada and she now coordinates a new POC ERC, ClimateJusticeRead,y on predicting and preventing green gentrification. She coordinates the BCNUEJ Catalan-funded SGR research group and co-leads the research lines "Environmental and Climate Gentrification" and "Urban Climate Risk, Infrastructures, and Justice" at BCNUEJ. (Languages: Cat, Eng, Spa, French).