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Jesus Santamaria


Jesus Santamaria

University of Zaragoza, Spain

Jesús Santamaría, obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering at Salford University in 1985, with postdoctoral stays at Notre Dame University (1989) and Massachussetts Institute of Technology (2008). Currently he is a Professor of Chemical Engineering and Exobiopharma Chair of Nanomedicine at the University of Zaragoza in Spain, as well as group leader at the Nanoscience and Materials Institute of Aragon (INMA) –one of only 36 research centers in Spain from all knowledge areas to have received the highly prestigious Severo Ochoa label.

Prof. Santamaría´s is among the leading European researchers on the synthesis of nanomaterials and their application in fields from unconventional catalysis to nanomedicine. He has obtained numerous projects with European funding, including two of the highly prestigious ERC Advanced Grants (HECTOR, 2011-16 and CADENCE, 2017-23). His work has been acknowledged by numerous awards and other forms of recognition, including in recent years the Third Millennium “Research and Future” Award (2022), or his election as Academician in the Academia Europaea-The Academy of Europe (2022) and Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Science et Lettere (2023).