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Jing Xia


Jing Xia

University of California Irvine, USA - EiC of Materials Today Quantum

Jing Xia is a Professor of Physics at the University of California, Irvine, specializing in quantum materials with a focus on precision optical and transport measurements. He is the founding editor-in-chief of Materials Today Quantum. Dr. Xia earned his PhD from Stanford University in 2008, where he developed the loopless Sagnac interferometer, an ultra-sensitive magneto-optic probe with nano-radian Faraday and Kerr sensitivities, which enabled the detection of broken time-reversal symmetry in unconventional superconductors. At UC Irvine, his research group has made significant contributions to quantum materials, including the discovery of the topological surface state in samarium hexaboride, the identification of the first long-range 2D magnetic state in Van der Waals layers of chromium germanium telluride, and the characterization of an unconventional superconducting state in bilayers of bismuth and nickel. Dr. Xia’s honors include the Sloan Fellowship, NSF CAREER Award, and the Lee-Osheroff-Richardson Prize for low-temperature physics. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and served for five years as the editor-in-chief of Materials Science and Engineering B.