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Louis Fensterbank


Louis Fensterbank

Collège de France, France

Louis Fensterbank obtained his PhD in 1993 from SUNY Stony Brook under the guidance of Scott Sieburth. After a lecturer position at the Université Pierre & Marie Curie (UPMC), he was appointed in 1995 as a CNRS Chargé de Recherche in Max Malacria’s lab. In 2004, he became Professor at UPMC, now Sorbonne Université. His research interests concern the discovery of new molecular transformations relying on radical or organometallic processes and their applications to the synthesis of substrates with relevant properties.Co-author of more than 250 publications, he has received several awards, notably the Silver Medal of CNRS in 2017. He is Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and member of the Academia Europaea. In 2023, he was elected at Collège de France and he holds the Activations in Molecular Chemistry Chair.