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Mikhail S. Merezhko


Mikhail S. Merezhko


Dr. Mikhail S. Merezhko embarked on his career in the Radiation Material Science laboratory at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Almaty, Kazakhstan. His research focused on investigating the degradation of properties of metals extracted from appliances of the now-decommissioned sodium-cooled fast reactor BN-350, located in Aktau, Kazakhstan. The results of this research were published in 25 peer-reviewed journal papers in both Russian and English, and further summarized in his Ph.D. thesis. Currently, Dr. Merezhko serves as the Head of the Radiation Material Science laboratory, overseeing a team of 15 graduate and undergraduate students. His primary research interests revolve around the plasticity and mechanisms of plastic flow in irradiated metals and alloys, as well as phase transformations in these materials.