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Pandora Psyllaki


Pandora Psyllaki

University of West Attica, Greece

Dr. Pandora Psyllaki graduated from the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece and received her Ph.D. from the School of Chemical Engineering of the same University in 1999.

She then worked as a Marie-Curie post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Laboratoire des Recherches sur la Réactivité des Solides, CNRS/Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France and subsequently at the Metallurgical Industrial Research & Τechnological Development Center-MIRTEC S.A., Volos, Greece. Since 2010 she serves as faculty member at the department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of West Attica, Greece, currently being Professor (full) and Director of the Laboratory of Surface Engineering. Her research interests include failure analysis of materials and components, identification of dominant failure mechanisms and root cause analysis, surface modification technologies for enhancing the performance of metallic materials and their mechanical response when subjected to surface mechanical loading. In 2023, she joined the Editorial Advisory Board of the Engineering Failure Analysis journal.