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rebecca traub


Rebecca Traub

City University of Hong Kong, China

Rebecca is Chair Professor of Parasitology and Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Public Health at City University Hong Kong. Rebecca’s research has led to ground-breaking, translational discoveries on the diagnosis and epidemiology of emerging parasitic and vector-borne zoonoses. Her work on zoonotic ancylostomiasis has led to paradigm shifts in international veterinary and public health policy surrounding their diagnosis and control. Over the span of her career, she has served as an expert consultant to the WHO, FAO and WOAH, government, The Gates Foundation, the veterinary pharmaceutical and diagnostic industry, and other not-for-profit organisations. She has published over 190 peer-reviewed journal articles in top-tiered international journals that have been cited over 10,000 times. Rebecca is a Founding Director of the Australian-based not-for-profit Organization, the Tropical Council for Companion Animal Parasites, and currently serves as Vice President of the Australian Society for Parasitology.