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Robert Hughes


Robert Hughes

University of Bristol, UK

Talk Title: Bridging the Gaps: The Multiphysics Tapestry of MagnetoAgglutination Biosensor Modelling

Dr Robert Hughes is Assistant Professor of Non-Destructive Testing in the School of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering, at the University of Bristol.He trained as a physicist, receiving degrees from the University of Warwick, and specialises in electromagnetic sensing technology. His research interests are in the development and use of rapid point-of-care diagnostics, with a technical focus on particle manipulation and quantitative magnetic biosensing.His works include the development of an open-source and negligible cost microfluidic fabrication process, modelling of magnetic agglutination bioassays, and the use of virtual games to evaluate suitability of diagnostic interventions.Robert is an alumnus of the Great Western 4 (GW4) Crucible on Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) and is co-chair of the Bristol AMR Committee.