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Ulf Ziemann


Ulf Ziemann

Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, Department Neurology and Stroke, Tübingen, Germany

Prof. Ulf Ziemann, MD

Director Department Neurology & Stroke, Co-Director Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tübingen, Germany.

Editor-in-Chief “Clinical Neurophysiology” (2016-2023), Deputy Editor “Brain Stimulation”.

Research: Motor cortex, plasticity, brain state-dependent stimulation, TMS-EEG neuropharmacology.

Clinical expertise: Stroke, neuroimmunology, clinical neurophysiology.

Awards: Richard-Jung Prize German Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. NIH Merit Award. Clarivate Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher 2020-2023.

Publications: >500 peer-reviewed publications, 43 book chapters, 8 Books, Cumulative IF: >2,700, Google scholar h-index: 123, >67,000 citations.