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Motor Neurone Disease Association

Elsevier has established a funding body agreement with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开 to help authors publishing in Elsevier journals comply and to facilitate a successful implementation of their policy. Details about how to comply are outlined below.


The MND Association has developed an open access policy, which requires grantees from 2011 onwards to make their peer-reviewed papers, directly arising from MND Association grants, available through open access.

These research papers should also be available within the Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) repository as soon as possible, but within six months of publication of the paper.

The MND Association’s open access mandate applies to research that is wholly or substantially funded by the MND Association. The MND Association open access mandate excludes reviews, book chapters, editorials or conference proceedings. It also excludes publications arising from awards made prior to April 2011. MND Association-funded authors are free to choose the gold open access option offered by Elsevier.

Gold open access

Authors can comply by publishing in either an Elsevier open access journal or in a subscription journal which has an open access option. This includes journals published by The Lancet.

To provide open access, a publication fee needs to be met for each article published open access. For information about specific open access publication fees, please refer to the individual journal's guide for authors.

The MND Association has a fund, separate to your grant award, to meet these costs. MND Association grantees should download an open access fund application form from the MND Association’s website 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开 and return it to Belinda Cupid 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开, Head of Research at the MND Association. Once funding for the fee is approved by MND Association, Elsevier will activate open access to the article.

The MND Association’s open access mandate applies to research that is wholly or substantially funded by the MND Association. Where research has been joint funded by another organization, requests for open access fees will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Upon final publication, Elsevier will immediately send to EuropePMC the final published journal article (PJA) as it appears on ScienceDirect. PMC and PMC mirror sites will also link directly to this same article on Elsevier’s websites. All articles published open access have permitted reuse, which is determined by the author's choice of user licenses.

Green open access

The MND Association requires authors whose awards were made in 2011 onwards to submit an electronic copy of the final manuscript of their research papers to Europe PMC. MND Association requires that the author’s work be made available to the public as soon as possible, but within six months of publication of the paper.

Elsevier’s sharing policy allows authors who publish in Elsevier journals to comply with MND Association’s preference for open access publishing. There is no change to Elsevier's author sharing policy that allows authors to post revised, personal versions of manuscripts (those that reflect changes made in the peer review) on their own websites and the sites of their institutions, provided a link to the journal is included.

Posting directly to EuropePMC or other sites outside an author's institution continues to be prohibited, as does any further republishing or redistribution of Elsevier copyright-protected content and society copyright-protected content published by Elsevier.