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Let‘s PBL ——Medical Education Case Innovation Competition



Elsevier will join hands with clinical physicians and educators from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan to hold the Let's PBL - Medical Education Case Innovation Competition.

The core goal of this event is to expand participants' international medical perspectives, stimulate communication and collaboration among medical professionals, and achieve the sharing of knowledge and the enhancement of skills.


冉君 《肥厚的心肌與混亂的房子》


肥厚型心肌病變大約是最能體現心臟病綜合診治的疾病之一,其病理生理機制涉及心臟各方面結構和功能。本PBL教學案例從一個病例引出,用混亂的房子類比解釋肥厚型心肌病變繼發的一系列病理生理過程。引用資料涵蓋了ClinicalKey 、Osmosis、ClinicalKey Student、Complete Anatomy 、STATdx、ExpertPath這全部六個資料庫。

南京《高血壓PBL教學: 從一例真實高血壓患者看高血壓的診治思路》


劉漫 《以腹脹發熱為主要表現的老年主動脈夾層一例》


王興 《以PBL為主導的多元化教學模式在骨科臨床實習教學中的應用》


Silver Award

任遠 《顱內腦動脈》


夏妙然 《系統性紅斑狼瘡》


田園 《帶狀皰疹》


顧鋒《姿勢如此“妖嬈”,引無數青年競“折腰” —腰椎間盤突出症》


哪些動作容易受傷?怎樣避免腰部受傷?得了腰椎間盤突出怎麼辦?椎間盤突出是否可以微創治療? 「小燕飛」該如何運動?若有這樣的疑問,歡迎觀看影片。讓我的方法為你“撐腰”,不做“折腰”青年。

杜倩妮 Reform and practice in medical imaging education for MBBS international students


吳碧荔 PBL Case Study - Clinical Management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)


本作品精心設計了一個妊娠糖尿病(GDM)的病例研究(PBL)案例,目的在於透過臨床情境模擬,加強學生的診斷思考和治療決策能力。案例結合了ClinicalKey Student和Osmosis兩個權威醫學教育平台,提供了豐富的醫學資訊和視覺教學資源。透過互動學習,學生不僅能夠掌握GDM的診斷標準、風險評估和個人化管理策略,還能培養獨立獲取資訊、分析問題和解決問題的能力,為未來的臨床實踐打下堅實基礎。

陳詩芸、楊添鈞《臥薪嚐膽 來看看膽囊、膽汁、膽汁的管道系統與膽結石》



本次使用的軟體: Complete Anatomy、ClinicalKey、STATdx、Osmosis

Bronze Award

孫琳 《帶狀皰疹》


李金平 《來者不“疝”之腹股溝疝》


任廣宗 《人老背先駝-骨質疏鬆性椎體壓縮骨折的診斷和治療》





袁麗華 Intestinal Atresia


此次參賽作品“Intestinal Atresia”,是我在香港大學瑪麗醫院小兒外科黃格元教授及香港大學深圳醫院小兒外科戴康臨主任的指導下完成的。以PBL的教學模式,就Intestinal Atresia的發病率、分類、發病機制、產前產後的影像學檢查、產後的臨床表現、可能伴有的畸形、診斷以及治療,分別進行了闡述。

林志遠 Acute coma









鄭單丹 《傷心的睡美人》


Submission Process:

Step 1: Complete registration with accurate information for contact purposes; the certificate name will be based on registration information.

Step 2: After registration, the organizer will send a data toolkit (database introduction, usage instructions, etc.) via email within 5 working days to your registered mailbox. Please check it carefully.

Step 3: Submit your work (before 24:00 on May 17th, send your work to the organizer's mailbox: [email protected]/[email protected]).

Step 4: After the judging process, the organizer will announce the results in June through official channels and distribute prizes and certificates uniformly.


Each entry is eligible for one prize.

[Certificate] All qualified entries will receive a certificate, with winners receiving both a paper and electronic certificate, while others will receive an electronic certificate.

First Prize (4 winners):

Dell IPS Panel Monitor (27 inches)

Xiaomi Pad (128G)

Second Prize (7 winners):

Fujifilm Instax Mini 12 Instant Camera

Third Prize (10 winners):

Sony True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones

Submission Prize:

All qualified entries will receive a creative blind box.


Participants: Individual participation is allowed for clinical physicians and educators.

Case Production: Participants must select at least one product from ClinicalKey/Osmosis/Complete Anatomy/ClinicalKey Student/Statdx/ExpertPath to produce a case. The sources of referenced content must be indicated in the work, e.g., "Content excerpted from Osmosis-Coronary steal syndrome," along with a brief introduction of up to 100 words.

Language: Chinese or English.

Title Format: Work title + name/nickname + registration phone number.

Format: Limited to PPT or video (MP4, resolution of at least 1080P, duration of 8-10 minutes). Video submissions are recommended for closer consideration for major awards.

Submission Email: [email protected]; [email protected].

Evaluation Criteria: Total score of 100 points (+10 points)

1) Clear topic selection, with strong clinical or basic medical applicability (35 points).

2) Fully adheres to the PBL teaching model throughout, including case introduction, disease explanation, diagnosis, etc., detailed and clear, and preferably includes certain relevant extensions in the field (35 points).

3) Application of ClinicalKey/Osmosis/ClinicalKey Student/Complete Anatomy/Statdx/ExpertPath databases in the case, using as much as possible and appropriate (20 points).

4) Excellent visual presentation, strong language appeal (10 points).

5) Answering additional questions, with the questions sent along with the toolkit to your registered mailbox (10 points).


1. To ensure the normal sharing and dissemination of entries on online platforms, it is not recommended to involve reproductive, breast, reproductive, urinary system, or other system-related sexual organs or privacy-exposing parts in the entries, which may limit the sharing and dissemination of works. Responsibility lies with the participants.

2. The content of medical entries only represents the views of the authors themselves and does not represent the views of the organizers or prove the scientific validity of the content published. Please refer with caution.

3. Participants should ensure that they are the original authors of the work, have copyright ownership of the work in its entirety and in part, and do not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of third parties. Any legal liability arising therefrom shall be borne by the author alone. The organizing institution, sponsoring institution, and their affiliated companies have the right to use all or part of the submitted works in ways such as reproduction, adaptation, internet dissemination, exhibition, and distribution for promotional or educational purposes, without the need for the participant's consent or payment of any fees.


Feng Lili Deputy Director of the Emergency Department at Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital

The current teaching methods of PBL and the flipped classroom model, which successfully engage students, emphasize the importance of independent work prior to class commencement.

Gu Feng Associate Chief Physician of Orthopedics at Peking University Aerospace Clinical School

This is a very meaningful competition. Not only can you continuously learn and grow when preparing for the competition, but you can also see other excellent works and learn a lot from them. Winning awards is helpful for title evaluation, and it also adds points to the annual teaching evaluation to varying degrees. The hospital’s education department and others will also commend and promote it.


全醫學資訊平台 醫研必備資料庫

  • 海量前沿及經典醫學文獻、素材 789種醫學全文期刊,包括53本北美臨床期刊;5,000多個診療指南,每月更新 1,000多種經典圖書,包括著名的Gray's Anatomy系列,Netter圖譜系列,Braunwald心臟病系列等 豐富視覺化素材,5萬多個醫學和手術影片,400萬多張影像圖片廣泛用於全球90多國和地區

  • 提供關鍵字、疾病、一個/多個臨床症狀智慧搜索

  • 多種實用醫研功能 雲端儲存文獻、搜尋歷史記錄功能 PPT製作模組、儲存及匯出圖片功能

person holding a smart phone with ClinicalKey AI product open on the screen.


系統性動畫醫學教程 USMLE備考金標產品

  • 醫護都適用的系統性動畫課程 1,700多部專家審查的醫學動畫影片,涵蓋基礎科學、病理學綜述、臨床實踐 470多部護理動畫影片 提供課程學習分析報表,幫助查漏補缺

  • 自學也能過考試 美國執業醫師資格考試 (USMLE) 金標產品 2,200多題臨床醫學題庫試題,2,000多個高品質筆記、15,000多張學習卡 2,000多項美國註冊護理師執照考試 (NCLEX-RN) 模擬題庫試題附詳解

Complete Anatomy

比教科書更精細的 3D互動式解剖軟體

  • 超精細、視覺化模型,男女對比還原真實差異 AR、3D互動科技動態展現人體結構,病理、手術模擬,輔助教學 17,000多個結構、700個《格氏解剖學》解剖圖譜、130張放射學影像系統影像、1,500多部臨床影片 提供真實比例完整女性模型,並可選擇不同膚色,貼近臨床需求

  • 中英西德法多語種支持

  • 風靡全球醫界的"網紅"APP 全球超過260萬用戶,近400家機構使用 在160個國家的蘋果、微軟和Google的應用商店被選為最受歡迎的醫療應用 2016年蘋果軟體設計獎得主

Group of people looking at tablet

ClinicalKey Student

匯集全球教學資料 量身訂做醫學題庫

  • 全球100多家知名醫學院教案素材庫 涵蓋50個醫學專業、260多本廣受好評的教科書,包括學生格雷解剖學和醫學生理學 2,200多個教學影片、1,500多篇疾病摘要、100,000多張超清圖片

  • 專業客製化測評,對標國際 由專業編委會撰寫並審查的5,700多個基礎、臨床醫學題庫 2,100多道美國執業醫師資格考試(USMLE)題 教師能透過LMS佈置作業評測、掌握班級學習狀況,減少備課時間 學生自我評估,及時查漏補缺

  • 多樣化教學工具包 個性化書櫃 複習卡片 筆記功能 (整合OneNote) 與劃重點 演講文件製作工具 有聲文本學習醫學英語等


影像診斷資料庫 疑難鑑別快精準

  • 大量專家註釋影像 20萬名全球各專科放射醫生精選和註釋影像範例、2萬多部臨床主題影片,提升診斷速度及準確度

  • 簡明的鑑別診斷模組 4,700多種常見及複雜的疾病診斷,1,400多個鑑別診斷模組,綜合一般造影解剖學支援臨床決策 可並排比較多個病例,也可將患者與庫中病例對比,疑難鑑別成為簡單的“找不同”

  • 匯集影像醫生常用工具 TNM及癌症分期表格 擺位角度參考與分類 診斷檢查方案及多種計算器

Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Phil Granchi and Motherlode Diagnostic Imaging Medical Group, Inc. (California, USA)


綜合性病理 決策支援工具

  • 海量病理學及相關學科影像庫 51,000多張高品質加註圖像 囊括病理學、組織胚胎學、免疫組織化、免疫螢光、臨床手術電鏡、內視鏡及放射學影像、以及生動的彩色圖片等

  • 整合各專科病理專家經驗的診斷專題 超過4,000種常見和複雜診斷,每個專題均由專家撰寫,包含專家選擇的參考期刊及圖書 輔助檢查清單有助於決定檢查項目及優先順序,節省時間和費用 鑑別診斷清單提示還需考慮何種疾病 預後和治療學資訊為臨床醫師提供重要參考

  • 高效搜尋與對比 文字搜尋與圖片搜尋即時切換 搜尋時提供關鍵字偵測與推薦,標出文字關鍵字 可同屏對比具相似表現的疾病,做出準確判斷

Step forward: ExpertPath & ImmunoQuery - Dr. Josh Klonoski, Second-year neuropathology fellow, University of Utah, USA