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Promote your article with Share Links

By sharing your article, you can make a bigger impact with your new publication. Now that your article is published, you can use your Share Link to share your research with friends, family, colleagues, and your wider network. There are many benefits to doing so:

  • Sharing the link via social media accounts and email helps you generate interest in your article.

  • Sharing your article makes it more visible, potentially increasing downloads and citations.

What are Share Links?

The majority of Elsevier journals offer Share Links. A Share Link is a customized link which authors receive for their newly-published article on ScienceDirect. The link provides 50 days’ free access to their article – after that, the usual access rules apply. Anyone clicking on the Share Link within the 50-day period will be taken directly to the article with no sign up or registration required. Share Links are ideal for sharing articles via email and social media.

How it works

  • You can find out from the guide for authors if the journal of your choice offers Share Links. You will automatically receive the Share Link at the final citable publication stage of your article via email.

  • If several authors are listed, the named corresponding author will receive the Share Link, which can then be shared with co-authors.

  • If co-author information is provided at the time of submission, they will also automatically receive a notification with the article's Share Link.

  • After 50 days the Share Link will still work but automatically revert to a link to your full text article.

Did you publish your article open access? You will still receive a notification when your article is available online with your article's DOI link. This link will provide immediate and permanent access and can be shared via a number of channels, including email and social media. You can track the progress of your article in the publication system with our online tracking system 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开.

Sharing your article with Share Links

Share Links can be shared with anyone through any communications channel potentially bringing your article to an audience of millions. For instance: