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Elsevier Funding Solutions for Funders

We help funders develop strategies for improving inefficient funding mechanisms, supporting key use cases across the funding workflow.



使用指纹识别技术为您的投资组合创建深入洞察。我们的 Fingerprint Engine 揭挖掘科学文档和其他资源,创建一个加权术语索引,称为 Fingerprint™ 可视化。

通过汇总和比较指纹,Elsevier Fingerprint Engine 揭示了人、出版、资助机会和创意之间的宝贵联系。

Elsevier Fingerprint Engine 驱动多种解决方案,包括 Pure(综合信息管理系统)以及 Elsevier 的审稿人查找工具“专家查找”。

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Analytical Services

Enrich data through careful analysis and customized reports which present your institution with data-driven findings through SciVal Analytics. The resulting insights help answer your pressing questions on research management and aid decision-making around funding allocations, research policies and strategies.

SciVal's analytical reports cover focus areas such as:

  • National research excellence initiatives

  • National, international and cross-sector collaboration analysis

  • Return on Investment (ROI) of funded projects

  • Research landscape studies of specific research themes

Discover Analytical Services

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