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Elsevier's Oncology Journal Network

We’ll help you find the right home for your research – fast

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Finding a journal 

Finding a journal that will help your work reach the right audiences can take time, and then there are the ups and downs of the publishing process to navigate. The good news is you don’t have to do it alone - with over 50 journals, including The Lancet OncologyCancer Cell, European Journal of Cancer and Cancer Letters, Elsevier’s Oncology Journal Network has the right fit for your paper. Best of all, our titles offer a transparent and supportive publication process that puts you and your research at the center.

Reach the communities important to you

We know how critical it is that your research is found and read by the right people, whether that’s fellow researchers, policy makers or educators. Our family of 50+ titles provides breadth and depth of coverage from basic to translational to clinical research, across all cancer types, with a wide variety of open access options. It’s a comprehensive portfolio of titles; in fact, between them, our oncology network journals publish 18 percent of all papers in the field.

Enjoy seamless end-to-end support

We offer robust coverage; you can choose from broad scope research and review titles, targeted translational and clinical titles, and best-in-class diagnostic and therapeutic titles. Crucially, we’ve set up smart connections between our journals and editors.

  • Article Transfer Service: Working together, our editors ensure your article reaches the right readership. In some cases, they may recommend Transfer or ‘Direct Acceptance’ to another journal within Elsevier's Oncology Journal Network. The choice is always yours.

Benefit from expert editorial and reviewer input

Together with an editorial board community of more than 1,000 key opinion leaders in oncology, our dedicated editorial teams are continuously evolving to cover emerging fields. Leveraging their wealth of experience, our reviewers work with those teams to make your paper the best it can be. We recognize the vital role our reviewers play in delivering rigorous peer review and advancing knowledge in the field. That is why we are constantly seeking new ways to say “thank you”. For example, Elsevier’s reviewer hub provides reviewers with a means of publicly showcasing their efforts and receiving credit for their work.

Cancer research & oncology

Cancer cell biology – Translational – Clinical

Cancer types

Blood - Breast - Lung - Urological - Gynecological - Bone - Colorectal - Oral

Diagnostics, therapeutics, epidemiology & other

Oncology resources

Elsevier’s Oncology Journal Network Highlights
