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Animal Family of Journals

The animal family of journals is comprised of animal, animal – science proceedings, and animal – open space. The journals are published by a Consortium of the BSAS 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开, EAAP 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开, and INRAE 在新的选项卡/窗口中打开 and all articles are published open access.


Editor-in-Chief: Isabelle Louveau

Animal publishes the best, innovative and cutting-edge science that relates to farmed or managed animals, and that is relevant to whole animal outcomes, and/or to animal management practices. Papers can be accepted from all species if they are in, or contribute knowledge to, farmed and managed animal systems (e.g., cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, horses, rabbits, fish, insects). animal aims to publish novel and original research papers, horizon-scanning reviews and critically informative opinion papers.

animal cover

Animal – open space

Editor-in-Chief: Giuseppe Bee

Animal - open space publishes articles that relate to farmed or other managed animals, leisure and companion animals and the use of insects for animal feed and human food. The journal embraces open science and its philosophy is that all research, the data linked to that research and the associated points of views of the authors should contribute to knowledge gain.

The journal publishes data papers, method articles and research articles. All articles submitted to animal - open space will undergo a traditional peer review process with transparent peer review. This means that reviewers' comments and authors' responses will be published as supplementary material.

Animal - Open Space cover

Animal – science proceedings

Editor-in-Chief: Cledwyn Thomas

Animal - science proceedings publishes high-quality conference, symposium and workshop proceedings on aspects of the life sciences with emphasis on farmed, other managed animals, leisure and companion animals, aquaculture and the use of insects for animal feed and human food. These can be in the form of a book of abstracts or one to two-page summaries or short papers.

Animal - Science proceedings cover