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Healthcare Careers

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Join us to shape the future of health

Work with a cross-disciplinary team that inspires and challenges one another to improve patient care and outcomes.

Improving outcomes for every patient

Help students and healthcare professionals stay current with evidence-based information, so they can deliver consistent quality care and improve patient outcomes.

Welcome to Health at Elsevier

A doctor and patient chatting in a medical setting

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Welcome to Health at Elsevier

Moving towards a bright future for global health, together

We give healthcare professionals access to new theories and advances in science, helping them expand and share their knowledge across the globe.

  • Making healthcare truly inclusive

  • Delivering insights that improve outcomes

  • Preparing future healthcare professionals

  • Using data and analytics to create personalization and localization

Learn more about health at Elsevier

“Knowing that the work I do is going to have such a positive impact on medical students and people all around the different sciences learning anatomy has been amazing. I really feel that what I’m working on at Elsevier matters.”

Photo of Ashton Luxgrant


Ashton Luxgrant

Lead Medical Writer, Complete Anatomy


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Elsevier leadership at NYC Career Development meeting 2022