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Press release

ClinicalKey AI Wins “AI Innovation Award” in 8th Annual MedTech Breakthrough Awards Program


Prestigious International Annual Awards Program Recognizes Standout Digital Health & Medical Technology Products and Companies

Elsevier, a global leader in scientific information and data analytics, has been selected as winner of the “AI Innovation Award” in the 8th annual MedTech Breakthrough Awards program. MedTech Breakthrough 打開新的分頁/視窗, an independent market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global digital health and medical technology market, presented Elsevier with the award for the breakthrough innovation of Elsevier’s ClinicalKey AI.

Elsevier partnered with OpenEvidence to develop ClinicalKey AI, expanding ClinicalKey’s capabilities with the latest AI advancements. ClinicalKey AI combines trusted, evidence-based clinical content with conversational search powered by generative AI to support clinicians in delivering high-quality patient care.

ClinicalKey AI generates responses based on information from validated sources, including Elsevier’s proprietary point of care content, medical reference texts, Elsevier and trusted third-party journal abstracts, and government publications. By evaluating these evidence-based content sources that are updated daily, ClinicalKey AI can summarize a tailored response to clinical queries. Responses also include references with linked citations to supporting published evidence.

“As a company dedicated to empowering clinicians and improving outcomes, we are committed to ensuring clinicians have access to reliable, evidence-based medical information. ClinicalKey AI is designed for clinical practice, and enables faster and more precise answers to a wide variety of clinical questions based on the latest scientific research,” said Jan Herzhoff, President of Health Markets at Elsevier. “This is critical given the overwhelming volume of complex cases that clinicians are required to manage every day. ClinicalKey AI sets a new standard for medical decision-making support, and we are delighted to be recognized by MedTech Breakthrough with the AI Innovation Award.”

The mission of the MedTech Breakthrough Awards is to honor excellence and recognize the innovation, hard work and success in a range of health and medical technology categories, including Telehealth, Clinical Administration, Patient Engagement, Electronic Health Records (EHR), Virtual Care, Medical Devices, Medical Data & Privacy, and many more. This year’s program attracted thousands of nominations from over 18 different countries throughout the world.

“ClinicalKey AI makes it possible for clinicians to easily extract precise knowledge from the vast body of clinical information, ensure decisions are based on the latest evidence, and help hospital leaders provide the right AI technology for supporting clinical decision making,” said Steve Johansson, managing director, MedTech Breakthrough. “We’re proud to award Elsevier’s solution with AI Innovation for this year’s MedTech Breakthrough Award.”

By building upon AI technology designed for healthcare and tested by over 30,000 clinicians, Elsevier continues their commitment to responsible AI. They continuously evaluate the accuracy of ClinicalKey AI’s output with their team of over 100 clinicians and their two health system development partners. Debuting with live demonstrations at HIMSS this year, ClinicalKey AI shows the power of AI innovation in healthcare, backed by AI safeguards and trusted evidence-based content.

ClinicalKey AI allows clinicians to ask questions the way they would speak to a trusted specialist and receive answers quickly. The solution’s intuitive clinical reasoning assistant is designed so clinicians can quickly search a comprehensive base of clinical knowledge. Clinicians can access this information at the point of care, while also accounting for patient context—including multiple comorbidities and current medications. All of this can be personalized to the individual user within their profile settings.

ClinicalKey AI allows clinicians to explore a variety of disease conditions and treatment options. Hospital leaders are then able to build a sustainable culture around evidence-based practice, which can help manage costs and enhance patient care.


About MedTech Breakthrough

Part of Tech Breakthrough 打開新的分頁/視窗, a leading market intelligence and recognition platform for global technology innovation and leadership, the MedTech Breakthrough Awards program is devoted to honoring excellence and innovation in medical & health technology companies, products, services and people. The MedTech Breakthrough Awards provide a platform for public recognition around the achievements of breakthrough healthcare and medical companies and products in categories that include Patient Experience & Engagement, Health & Fitness, Medical Devices, Clinical Administration, Connected Healthcare, Medical Data, Healthcare Cybersecurity and more. For more information visit MedTechBreakthrough.com 打開新的分頁/視窗.

Tech Breakthrough LLC does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in our recognition programs, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with award designations. Tech Breakthrough LLC recognition consists of the opinions of the Tech Breakthrough LLC organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Tech Breakthrough LLC disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this recognition program, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

關於 Elsevier

身為科學資訊與分析的全球領導者,Elsevier 協助研究人員與醫療照護專業人員推動科學發展,改善醫療成果,造福社會。我們以可信賴、以實證為基礎的內容和先進的 AI 數位技術為基礎,透過創新的解決方案促進洞察力和關鍵決策。

140 多年來,我們一直為研究和醫療保健界的工作提供支援。我們全球 9,500 名員工,包括 2,300 名技術人員,致力於支援研究人員、圖書館館長、學術領袖、資金提供者、政府、研發密集型公司、醫生、護士、未來醫療保健專業人員和教育工作者的重要工作。我們的 2,900 種科學期刊和經典參考工具書包括其領域中最重要的書籍,包括 Cell Press、The Lancet 和 Gray's Anatomy。 我們與愛思唯爾基金會 (Elsevier Foundation 打開新的分頁/視窗) 合作,與我們服務的社群攜手合作,在發展中國家和世界各地的科學、研究和醫療保健領域推動包容性和多樣性。 Elsevier 是 RELX 打開新的分頁/視窗 的一部分,RELX 打開新的分頁/視窗 是一家為專業和商業客戶提供以資訊為基礎的分析和決策工具的全球供應商。有關我們的工作、數位解決方案和內容的更多資訊,請造訪 www.elsevier.com


Chris West


Chris West

Senior Communications Manager, Health Markets


+1 703 967 3990

電子郵件 Chris West