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Press release

Elsevier and SCELC Establish Partnership to Expand Open Access in Elsevier Journals


Elsevier and SCELC’s Read and Publish Collaboration Transforms Library Offerings

Elsevier, a global leader in information analytics and scientific publishing, is pleased to announce an innovative partnership with the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC) with a focus on open access. The read and publish transformative agreement, effective from January 2024 for all 37 participating SCELC members, signifies substantial advancement in open scholarship and community engagement while also providing critically important research content to students and researchers.

As a consortium dedicated to serving the unique and varied needs of its libraries, SCELC supports collective action that enables small and midsize libraries to benefit from open publishing agreements that would not be available or manageable individually. Elsevier and SCELC worked together collaboratively to enhance how we both support the SCELC community by adding open access publishing to our ScienceDirect journal package agreement. Hundreds of corresponding authors across one-third of SCELC member institutions now have the option to publish open access articles in more than 2400 hybrid or fully open access Elsevier journals. The agreement is expected to cover open publication charges for more than 400 articles per year. For more details, please see the agreement page 打開新的分頁/視窗.

Teri Oaks Gallaway, Executive Director of SCELC, said: “We are pleased to forge an agreement that enables our institutions to reallocate a significant portion of their Elsevier subscription dollars to facilitate open publication at no cost to authors and no additional cost to institutions. Our negotiations relied on cooperation and compromise on both sides and we are grateful for Elsevier’s creativity and flexibility throughout the process.”

James Tonna, VP Research Sales, Americas at Elsevier, added: “We are thrilled to collaborate with SCELC to advance in their goals and this transformative agreement marks a substantial stride toward a more inclusive research environment, nurturing innovation both for reading relevant content and publishing in high quality journals.”


SCELC is a library consortium composed of academic and research libraries in California, Texas and beyond. Currently, SCELC represents a diverse community of over 110 member libraries and over 230 affiliate institutions and organizations. In aggregate, SCELC libraries serve a student population of 500,000 and library budgets ofover $200 million. SCELC seeks to enhance scholarly resources and information for its member institutions and negotiate collective licensing agreements for electronic resources. SCELC’s read-and-publish open access agreements and renewals are guided by transformative agreement goals and values 打開新的分頁/視窗 established as a priority by its member institutions.

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Andrew Davis



+44 7393 242466

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