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Press release

Elsevier and Times Higher Education Agree New Partnership


Times Higher Education will continue to leverage Elsevier’s trusted high-quality data and analytics

Elsevier, a global leader in scientific information and analytics, and Times Higher Education (THE) 打開新的分頁/視窗, the provider of insights that evaluate university excellence in every continent across the world, today announced a new multi-year partnership.

THE will continue to use data and strategic insights from Elsevier's world-leading Scopus 打開新的分頁/視窗 and SciVal 打開新的分頁/視窗 platforms to power its global portfolio of university rankings, including its flagship World University Rankings 打開新的分頁/視窗, Regional and Subject Rankings, Impact Rankings 打開新的分頁/視窗 and the upcoming Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 打開新的分頁/視窗. Scopus will be the exclusive source of bibliometric data for these rankings, THE will also leverage Elsevier’s expertise and SciVal’s analytics to develop its research performance metrics. The new agreement extends the partnership, which began in 2014, through to 2030.

THE World University Rankings focus on the research mission of universities. Developed in close collaboration with leading universities over the past two decades, the rankings methodology reflects what defines a world-class university. Staff are surveyed to share their experiences and these results are combined with bibliometrics and institutional data.

THE Impact Rankings identify and celebrate universities that excel across multiple United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By excelling in a variety of SDGs, these universities showcase their commitment to addressing the world’s most pressing challenges, including environmental sustainability, social inclusion, economic growth and partnerships.

Duncan Ross, Chief Data Officer, Times Higher Education, said: “Times Higher Education has gone from covering 200 universities in our World University Rankings when we started in 2004 to over 2,800 today. This new agreement is very much in line with our shared goal of supporting universities and helping them demonstrate the impact of their work. Elsevier is an ideal partner to work with, and our combined expertise in analytics extends the insights of Scopus and SciVal into a deeper understanding of the research environment.”

Judy Verses, President Academic & Government, Elsevier, said: “The Times Higher Education university rankings provide higher education leaders with invaluable insights to guide them when making strategic and investment decisions, and give students vital information to inform their educational choices. THE and Elsevier are aligned in our commitment to help universities demonstrate the transformative impact they have on society.”

Scopus is the world's largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed academic literature from over 7,000 publishers worldwide, with 2.4 billion citations, including over 19.6 million author profiles. SciVal provides strategic insights to help visualize an organization’s research performance, benchmark it against peers, and identify emerging research trends.

The breadth of this trusted data and analytics enables THE to analyse research activity from a greater number of institutions worldwide.

About Times Higher Education

Empowering higher education by combining data and expertise within a global platform, Times Higher Education helps universities deliver transformative impact for people, places and the planet. We connect the world’s higher education community, facilitate the flow of ideas and talent, and help academics and students fulfil their potential. We are proud to support universities, and believe that together we will build a better, more sustainable future.

For more information visit Times Higher Education 打開新的分頁/視窗 or find us on X: @timeshighered 打開新的分頁/視窗 @THEworldunirank 打開新的分頁/視窗 or LinkedIn 打開新的分頁/視窗.

關於 Elsevier

身為科學資訊與分析的全球領導者,Elsevier 協助研究人員與醫療照護專業人員推動科學發展,改善醫療成果,造福社會。我們以可信賴、以實證為基礎的內容和先進的 AI 數位技術為基礎,透過創新的解決方案促進洞察力和關鍵決策。

140 多年來,我們一直為研究和醫療保健界的工作提供支援。我們全球 9,500 名員工,包括 2,300 名技術人員,致力於支援研究人員、圖書館館長、學術領袖、資金提供者、政府、研發密集型公司、醫生、護士、未來醫療保健專業人員和教育工作者的重要工作。我們的 2,900 種科學期刊和經典參考工具書包括其領域中最重要的書籍,包括 Cell Press、The Lancet 和 Gray's Anatomy。 我們與愛思唯爾基金會 (Elsevier Foundation 打開新的分頁/視窗) 合作,與我們服務的社群攜手合作,在發展中國家和世界各地的科學、研究和醫療保健領域推動包容性和多樣性。 Elsevier 是 RELX 打開新的分頁/視窗 的一部分,RELX 打開新的分頁/視窗 是一家為專業和商業客戶提供以資訊為基礎的分析和決策工具的全球供應商。有關我們的工作、數位解決方案和內容的更多資訊,請造訪 www.elsevier.com


Headshot of David Tucker


David Tucker



電子郵件 David Tucker