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Advanced Therapeutics, Clinical and Interpersonal Skills

Aim & scope

While there are many successful books describing the theories and research for mental health professionals, there is a gap in content that provides structured practical exercises to rehearse these critical skills derived from theories and research methods. This series aims to fill that gap. Authored and edited by leading experts, each volume in the series will focus on one subfield within mental health, providing concise and practical exercises for professionals. Each volume will be based on an empirically-based pedagogy that is structured, incremental, and tightly focused on the essential skills mental health professionals must acquire to obtain licensure/registration and enter the workforce.

Sample cover of Advanced Therapeutics, Clinical and Interpersonal Skills


Trainees in the medical / psychiatric subfields. Some of the subfields that may be potentially good fit: MD’s, psychiatrists, nurses, occupational therapists, addiction counsellors, pharmacists, physical therapists, nurses’ aides, dieticians, crisis workers, paramedics

Possibly used for training / coursework / workshops / continuing education / etc.


Image of Tony Rousmaniere


Tony Rousmaniere

Clinical Faculty

University of Washington, WA, USA

繼續閱讀 Tony Rousmaniere
Image of Alexandre Vaz


Alexandre Vaz

Psychotherapy researcher

ISPA-University Institute, Lisbon, Portugal

繼續閱讀 Alexandre Vaz