Advances in ubiquitous sensing applications for healthcare (AUSAH)
Aim & scope
Ubiquitous healthcare (U-healthcare) is considered one of the significant research domains to address the healthcare environment challenges and to provide easy accessibility, and high quality service provisioning along with low cost service that can manage the ever increasing population. It refers to the healthcare services that are available to everyone independent of location and time. U-healthcare systems embrace the prospective of disease management, maintaining wellness, prompting treatment/emergency intervention anywhere and anytime. Assimilated various technologies can provide ubiquitous healthcare services in the daily lives applications. U-healthcare systems employs several platforms including mobile devices, Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs), and wireless cloud/grid/web services to provide observable, sustainable, seamless, transparent, and reliable healthcare services.
Such medical services will allow physicians to remotely diagnose, access, and monitor critical patient’s symptoms and will enable real time communication with patients. Furthermore, these healthcare services will permit patients to control and to access their personal data anytime anywhere. In order to achieve effective accessibility to these services by healthcare provider, several requirements become essential including security, flexibility, and remote health data acquisitioning. Recently, a rapid surge of interest in monitoring and sensing healthcare devices has perceived leading to extensive ubiquitous monitoring clinical related applications that attract researchers to explore and to develop.
The technological progress of these devices will predictably reshape the overall practice in clinical medicine. U-healthcare monitoring system is offered for continuous patients’ monitoring under their natural physiological cases. These systems have common characteristics and features, such as gathering, collecting and analyzing data from different biosensors. Predominantly, the BSN concept is considered the basis for wireless intelligent modules for implantable/wearable sensors.
This new started book series will contain systems based on the four future ubiquitous sensing for healthcare (USH) principles, namely i) proactiveness, where healthcare data transmission to healthcare providers has to be done proactively to enable necessary interventions, ii) transparency, where the healthcare monitoring system design should transparent, iii) awareness, where monitors and devices should be tuned to the context of the wearer, and iv) trustworthiness, where the personal health data transmission over a wireless medium requires security, control and authorize access.
The contributions in this book series cover a wide range of interdisciplinary areas including wireless sensors networks, wireless body area networks, Big data, Internet-of-Things (IoT), security, monitoring, real time data collection, data management, systems design/analysis, web services and practical applications related to U-healthcare systems, implantable/wearable sensors in body sensor networks, information technology, diagnostic services, encryption, and implementation of wireless telemetry system for multisensory data fusion and decision-support. Said series contributions emphasize several topics in the area of U-healthcare systems in healthcare real-world applications.
Vision of the Series
This book series will cover some concepts and definitions of the Ubiquitous healthcare systems. Through the last few years, several textbooks related to IoT, big data, WSN and monitoring systems have published. However, several practical applications in healthcare and Ubiquitous healthcare systems remain imprecise to specific research problems. This newly started book series is oriented to undergraduate, post graduate students as well as professional researchers in engineering, software designers, and healthcare providers as well as physicians who use U-healthcare systems. The series expects to supply the researchers with an outstanding basis in Ubiquitous healthcare systems and their design/applications.

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Series Editors

Nilanjan Dey
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Techno International New Town, Kolkata, India
繼續閱讀 Nilanjan DeyAS
Amira Shour
繼續閱讀 Amira Shour
Simon Fong
繼續閱讀 Simon FongIndexing: All published volumes in this book series are submitted for indexing in:
EI Indexing / Compendex
Book Citation Index
If you are interested in Author or Editing a Book in the AUSAH Series.
Please contact Nilanjan Dey (Series Editor):
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Advances in ubiquitous sensing applications for healthcare (AUSAH)