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Series Editor

Image of  Jean-Louis Fellous


Jean-Louis Fellous

Former Executive Director

COSPAR, France

電子郵件 Jean-Louis Fellous

Jean-Louis Fellous was the Executive Director of COSPAR (Committee on Space Research) between 2008 and 2019. An atmospheric scientist by training, Dr. Jean-Louis Fellous was program manager of the U.S.-French ocean satellite TOPEX/Poseidon launched in 1992.

He led Earth Observation programs at CNES until 2001 and ocean research at IFREMER until 2005. That same year Fellous was elected co-president of JCOMM (the WMO/IOC Joint Commission on Oceanography and Marine Meteorology). In mid-2005 Fellous was seconded by the CNES to the European Space Agency, and later appointed as the Executive Officer of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), a position he held until the end of 2007. Fellous is the author or co-author of several books about satellites, climate change, and space exploration.