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Patient Safety, Risk and Quality Care in Healthcare Facilities: A practical guide to translating theory into practice

Aim & scope

Patient Safety, Risk and Quality Care in Healthcare Facilities series is a new venture that aims to provide a comprehensive suite of reference books on developing areas in patient safety, offering clinicians, researchers, and students a practical, up-to-date resource on patient safety and quality care, its evolving technologies, and pathways towards clinical implementation. For every volume in the series, chapters written by experts worldwide will introduce practical aspects and best methods, explain patient safety and quality care knowledge, and provide forward-looking perspectives.

Ultimately, the series aims to aid clinicians and researchers in applying tools and understanding current challenges in the field. The books will provide a valuable reference for scientists working outside their own area of current expertise or looking to engage in patient safety.

de to translating theory into practice Patient Safety, Risk and Quality Care in Healthcare Facilities: A practical guide to translating theory into practice

Volumes will be focused to provide the audience with manageable topic-based information in sufficient depth and a roadmap for practical application.. By providing enough depth for each topic with case studies from international settings, this series is also different than the currently available handbooks.

Coverage will include topics such as Medication Management; Infection Prevention and Control; Quality Care; Palliative Care; Human Factor and Safety.


Primary : Clinicians, healthcare administrators, public health researchers and clinicians, as well as practicing professionals such as patient safety officers, chief quality officers, risk managers, and health service researchers will gain valuable insight into the real-world of patient safety and a better understanding of how to improve quality care through practical, actionable methods.

Secondary : Clinical Fellows/Residents; Clinical Researchers and other healthcare professionals such as nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, respiratory therapists, dentists, pharmacists, speech-language pathologist, physical therapists, occupational therapists, physical and behavior therapists.


Ramesh C. Sachdeva


Ramesh C. Sachdeva, MD, PhD, DBA, JD, FAAP, FCCM

Chief of Critical Care Medicine

Children's Hospital of Michigan Michigan,

繼續閱讀 Ramesh C. Sachdeva, MD, PhD, DBA, JD, FAAP, FCCM