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Conference speaker

Beth Pruitt


Beth Pruitt



Talk Title: Mechanobiology of hiPSC cardiomyocytes in health and disease

Dr. Beth Pruitt is a Professor at the University of California Santa Barbara and Chair of Biological Engineering. She was on the faculty at Stanford University from 2003-2018 in Mechanical Engineering and Bioengineering.

Beth served as an officer in the US Navy with a first tour at the engineering headquarters of the Navy nuclear programs, and a second tour as an instructor teaching Systems Engineering (and offshore sailing in the summer) at the U.S. Naval Academy. Dr. Pruitt earned her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University where she was supported as a Hertz Foundation Fellow. Dr. Pruitt was a postdoctoral researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), and in 2012, she returned to Switzerland as a visiting professor in the Lab for Applied Mechanobiology in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology at ETH, Zurich. She has been recognized by the NSF CAREER Award, DARPA Young Faculty Award, Denice Denton Leadership Award and is a Fellow of the ASME, AIMBE, and BMES.